Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I will be absent

Subject : I will be absent.
Dear Mr.Scott Dagilis,

This is to inform you that I will be absent tomorow in 18/2/2010
because I have to go with my mom that day. She has surgery at
HAMAD hospetal and I have to go with her.
And one more thing Mr.Scott can you please send me the work wat I miss in email and I will be appreccate it.

I apologize Mr.Scott for being absent tomorow and I hope you excuse me from the work.

Best regards,

Fahad Eisa

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

mining of words

  1. misfortune . I am a misfortune. beacuse i buy a new car and i scratch the body on mistake.
  2. joint project . QP and QEWC they have a joint project for recuite a new workers.
  3. consultant . I was in the GYM and a consultant came to me and give me some advises for. the practising.
  4. reactions . My friend told me a jock and my reactions was very noisy when i laugh.
  5. locations . QP made a new locations for a new michanical workers.
  6. exploration . The QP are exploration on my broject of how to extract betroluom.
  7. thunderstorms . Its a very noisy sound coming when the wither is bad and raining.
  8. coincidence . I am the only one how have a red moustang shelby and by coincidenca a saw ather one.
  9. archaeologist . My grandfather was a archaeologist. he was looking for dainasors.
  10. disscover . QATAR disscover a betroluom and naithoral gas befor 20 yers left.

discribing my best friend

· Tala is my best friend , he has a many good qualities He is a hardworking, for example , He never talks in the class room or maks proplem with teacher , he is olso helpful , for example , he teaches me things I diden’t understandI can share with him my proplems because I know he can find a solution for me I respect him more then brother He is funny and he has a good jocks He mack his friend comfortable when they toolk to him , and he is unhonest person and he Deserves my respactThat’s way I like talal and I think he is a very good man

Sunday, February 7, 2010

5 simple past sentences

  1. Yesterday I challenged my friend on PS3 games.

  2. I went to the circus yesterday. they did a great show.

  3. I slept on the floor and a hirt my silef.

  4. I bought a new car for my brother because he graduated from high school.

  5. Yesterday I went to the gym alon. I thought my friends are coming put they didnt.